Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1/26/09- Email

Hey Family!!
The burrito's are amazing!!! The breakfast ones are better cuz they didn't get soggy like the carne asade ones.. all the steak made the tortillas super soggy.. but they were still good!!
Everyone here is hyped about the Super Bowl!! It's me and Brother Saline (a guy in our branch from AZ) versus all of PA haha. So I hope the Cards win!!
It's already week 6 of the transfer!! I have a feeling I'm gonna be leaving Clearfield come next monday..but we will see what happens.
This week was definitely a bit warmer which is good!! On friday it got up to like 48 degrees which was amazing!! But then it got super cold again the next day. But there is hardly any snow which is a good thing.
We had a good week with our investigators and we were able to find two new investigators!! One of them is named Randy, and he actually lived in AZ for a few years so we were able to talk about that a little bit. I was able to soften him up a bit to reading the Book of Mormon and finally he said that he would read it so that was good!! Wednesday we tracted into a lady named Marlene athat was an older lady and she really enjoyed talking to us....the funny part about that lesson was that she farted super loud multiple times! and she was just like "mother nature is calling". That was super funny.
Mary is doing well!! She just has a thirst for learning that I have never seen before!! She just studies and studies and studies and has so many good questions for us it's so awesome to go over there and teach her!! We were able to teach Mark S. this week and Elder Welker was with me on exchange which was fun! We were able to teach mark about baptism and commit him to baptism he just didn't really understand the importance of the Priesthood and being baptized by proper authority...but we will keep working with him.
We got to hear President Obama's inaugural address while we were doing service... that was a pretty cool thing to get to hear. This week we went to dinner at the Morrison's and we had scrapple!! It's like a Penn dutch delicacy...all it is is pig scraps and corn meal put together. It was good but it gets old really fast. It was cool to have such a delicacy. We were able to see lots of deer right outside their house eating corn from their feeder which was cool.
Much love
Elder Black

1/19/09 letter

Hola Family!
I'm doing great here in my nice warm apartment! I am gettin sick of the cold! I want it to be warm again. I hope next winter the Lord wants me to serve down south where it's not as cold.
Transfers are still in two weeks, so we will see if I stay or it I go. All I know is that I'll go where the Lord wants me to go! It will be weird if I get transferred cuz I am so comfortable here. I miss being around other missionaries, cuz when you are here, you're always alone. I heard that the President just tells us to stay in during the Super Bowl cuz it's pointless to go out and work.
I hope this week is warmer! And I hope all is well at home!
Love you all!! Sweet is the work!!
Elder Black

1/12/09- letter

It really is hard to believe that it is 2009. Time is flying by for me that's for sure! I think the saying should be "The harder you work, the faster time goes". That has definitely been the case thus far on my mission. I fell that you have to try to be unhappy on your mission, because it is such a blessing to share the gospel and to see the happiness that it brings. The Spirit definitely does touch people's lives, and it continues to uplift me everyday!!
Elder Black

Monday, January 19, 2009


HOLY COW THE CARDS ARE IN THE SUPER BOWL !!! It definetly is a win-win situation for me cuz this definelty is Steelers country!! But I will continue to rep the AZ and go with the cards. Someone was talking about the Steelers after church yesterday and I was bold and said go Cardinals and he was like "well, I have just lost my faith in the missionaries". But he was kidding of course. Oh, and I got my burritos and they are soooooooooooo good!!
So we had a great week this week. It was by far the coldest and one of the strangest weeks of my mission. I have been out for 7 months- holy cow!! So we found 2 new investigators this week on back to back days, and they are both named Sandra. We were able to see Mary once on tuesday and then, friday, saturday, and sunday. She is progressing so much. Last night we watched "The Testaments" which is probably my favorite church movie and she loved it so much!! She was in tears after the movie ended cuz the Spirit was just so strong.
We were able to find Bob's new house (he moved and didn't let us know where but told us the general area) so we were walking downtown and I had the impression to go to a certain place, and I knocked on this house and it was his. So that was cool and he really likes the Book of Mormon!
So we were busy teaching this week!! The Lord definitely blessed us with teaching so that we could stay out of the cold! It was below 20 degrees this week and it got as low as -10, and as low as -4 while we were working.
Thursday was an interesting day cuz we got stuck in a huge line because of an accident, which made us an hour late for district meetings. Then that night I locked our keys in the house and we had to call the land lady so after freezing outside for an hour were able to get in. Then we helped the Brickleys unload a moving van, that took them 2 hours to get up snow packed driveway. So then once we got started I was already frozen in the 5 degree weather, but we got it done. Then they took us to a truck stop buffet which was interesting.
Sunday we found out that Bro. Wick proposed to Misty!! I was shocked! I called that so long before they even met!! I guess you can call me cupid, or just thank the restored gospel for bringing them together.
Keep working hard in all you do because I sure will!!!
Much love to you all
Elder Black

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Hey everyone! I'm doing well!! Just staying warm and still working my hardest!! This week was a bit slower than weeks past...we were only able to see one of our current investigators, between sickness and family issues. But, everything is going better for everyone now so we will be back in action with them this week.
I'll just briefly go through my week so you can get an idea of some stuff we did...
Monday- we went to State College and played some basketball!! So fun!! I was so happy to get to run for the first time since I have been here. After that Elder Saunders and I came back here on exchange...
Tuesday-we volunteered at the food bank then we went to the Allens for dinner and a lesson. After dinner I was holding their naked ferret and I scared Elder Sandberg cuz I put the ferrets nose in his ear. It was super funny
wednesday- We had district meeting and learned about Chapter 9 in Preach my gospel!! Then that night we went and visited a bunch of members with Brother Wick and Brother Morrison.
Thursday- I can't remember anything we did on except for service.
Friday-We tracted alot and we saw 2 former investigators named Mark and Jean and taught them again, so now they are investigators again!! So happy about that!!
Saturday- it snowed alllllllllllllllllllllll day!! So that meant that we had to walk everywhere!! So we just walked about 6 miles in the snow and street contacted for the most part! Good thing you sent me those snow boots mom. My legs were super sore the next day!
Sunday- We went to church and then after church we went and tracted for the rest of the day..the bad thing about that is that the Steelers were playing..so no one would talk to us. Even 2 of the members wouldn't let us in cuz the Steelers were playing! man it was frustrating!
I love you guys lots and know that I am still working hard and staying focused as I can on the Lords work! And how sweet that work is!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Here is Elder Blacks address

Elder Kyle Black
PA Harrisburg Mission
3903 Hartzdale Dr Ste 303
Camp Hill, PA 17011


Hey errbody!! Everything in Clearfield is going really well!! Elder Howell and I had a very good week and we are still working hard and not having to work too hard at staying warm. It's been in the high 30s for a while now..pretty mild for Clearfield, and it hasn't snowed in like 2 weeks. I know you all probably think I'm crazy, but when you live in it you just get used to it a little bit.
Today we get to go to State College to play basketball. I am so excited. This is the first time I have really got to run in 3 months. So hopefully I'm not too out of shape.
We had a good week as far as working with our investigators, and we were able to find a new investigator on New Years Day. She was a nice lady, but she has alot of changes to make if she joins the church, but hey, that's what the gospel is for, changing lives!! We saw Mary 3 times with the Morrisons and had really good lessons with her all three times. We watched some conference talks with her last night and she really loves those! She thought I short changed her by only watching 2 talks, but when she found out that there are 10 hours worth of talks on there she changed her mind. Then she fed us this reeses cake and ice cream. I love Mr. Reese he is a genious.
Of course, we saw the Allens some more and had dinner with them a few times, thursday they made us chicken and waffles!! It was good- good old Penn-dutch food.
Thanks for all your love and support everybody!! Hopefully I can hear from some of the people in the fam that I haven't heard from yet.
I hope you all have a great week and keep doin good things!!! I love you all!
Elder Black