Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hey everybody!
Everything here is going great! Elder Mendoza and I are doing well and working hard and we had a really good week to show for it. My knee is getting better and better.
Thur-Pday was pretty fun. It was suuuuper humid and hot !! We played football again and some basketball-I just shot around. Thursday night was hard because the Steelers were playing so it is pointless to tract.
Fri-Friday afternoon we did some tracting and stopped by a few people. Friday night we went to the Charles' house and watched the Testament with them and it was super good -the Spirit was very strong!! After that we mowed their lawn for them.
Sat-in the morning we went to the Greenwald's house to help them chop wood cuz their 75ft tree fell over. Luckily it just damaged power lines. We got to teach Emily about the restoration, and talked about Baptism with her. At night we had our Elder's quorum party at President Morans house. We had lots of food, and hung out for a bit. They all talked about the G20 event where a bunch of world leaders meet, and it's coming to Pitt and there are supposed to be lots of riots.
sun-We had two investigators at church. We went over to the Hoskins house for dinner and they invited their friends the DeMasters family over for dinner too. We had a lesson after dinner and answered alot of their questions. We gave them both copies of the Book of Mormon.
Mon-we had district meeting in the morning, and it was my first time conducting a district meeting since I have been back. We talked about obedience and I learned alot.
Tue-We saw the Carters and had a lesson. We had dinner at the Thompson's house- he is the ward mission leader and he is in dental school. They are from Mesa, and she made some bomb mexican food. Pork enchiladas. we went to FHE for the last time this summer.
wed-We went to this restaurant Old Mexico, and it wasnt very good. You have to be from out west to make good mexican food.
Well that's my week. Be safe and do work.
Elder Kyle Black


Hey everybody!
Things are going good here! My knee is doing good.
Thur- pday was suuuuper fun! We were playing football and I got to play quarterback since I can't do anything else.
Friday-we had zone conference, and it was very interesting. President Summerhays got up and we all had to list all the things that missionaries were doing wrong in the mission. And then he got really bold about it and just told everyone what needed to change. So I was happy because that meant the mission would hopefully get more obedient, but some of the missionaries were pretty upset about it.
Sat-we tracted all morning and found some potential investigators. Then in the afternoon we saw a couple of less active families. We taught the Maloneys, Carters and Sister Schmidt.
Sun-I found out saturday night at 10:00pm that I had to go to the Waynesburg branch with Elder Ang-Bejar (one of the AP's) and give a talk. So saturday night I quickly put a talk together, and sunday we went to this little tiny branch of about 20 people and spoke. I spoke about the Book of Mormon and it's mission, and it went really well. Then that night we went and had a lesson with the Charles family.
Mon-It was sooooo humid. Monday morning we had district meeting with the Coraopolis district because the AP's are the only other missionaries in my district, and they couldn't come. We had a really good lesson with Wilbur, and went to the Murdock's for dinner.
Tue-we tracted all morning, no luck unfortunately. At night we had FHE at the Hopkins and one of our referrals came. She is a girl named Emily and her boyfriend is on a mission in California. Hopefully we can start teaching her.
Wed-we had lessons with the Charles family, and saw some less active families.
I hope all is well
Elder Black

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

8/6/09- email

Everything is going really good here. Elder Mendoza and I get along great, it's true that opposites attract because we are definelty different.
Thursday- We went to the church and hung 0ut while everyone played dodgeball. It was so hard. Eventually I will be able to just jog and stuff.
Fri-Man that was a long time ago. We tracted in the afternoon, but didn't have any success.
Sat-Loooong day. We tracted all morning, and that afternoon we decided to visit the less active. None of them were home, so back to tracting. After dinner we had a lesson with Sister Schmidt who is less active. We walked her dog with her and had a lesson.
Sun-We don't have church until 1:00. So we have meetings before that. There are lots of graduate students in our ward. We ended the night at the Charles family for a lesson.
Mon-We did service at the Charles and helped them level out some ground to put an inflatable pool up. We are trying to do lots of less active work cuz that is a big thing for this area. We did find an investigator named Wilbur. He is a really nice older guy that really enjoyed talking to us. I am excited to go back and see him.
Tue - We tracted all morning and found another investigator named Ed and gave him a Book of Mormon.
Wed-We saw our most solid investigator Kris and she has been to church and liked it. We taught her the law of tithing and it went really well.
So that was my week. Love you all.
Love Elder Black
PS yes I have a car - thank goodness.

7/30/03- email

Hey everybody!!
Write letters now to my apartment 2750 Broadway Ave #7 Pittsburgh PA 15216. Hopefully I will get lots of letters (HINT)
My new area is called Beechview, it's a suburb of Pittsburgh. Pitt is super cool, the skyline is awesome. I am already a District leader again and Elder Russell is in my district. My new companion is Elder Mendoza, is is from Medesto CA. He is a really cool missionary and a hard worker which is awesome. The Pitt mission is different, everything is more laid back and less obedient. We will see what happens I just gotta keep doing what I do and hopefully the HBG will rub off on the Pitt.
Mon- flew to Pitt. Saw all the new missionaries, and went out to dinner . Then went to the mission home and hung out that night.
Tue-I went to the training meeting with the new missionaries. Then we had our transfer meeting and I got to see all my friends which was awesome.
Wed-Tracted all morning in the rain. Then Stephen Covey spoke to us, it was really cool. After that we stopped by a bunch of less active members and had good lessons with them. I feel so lost here- I need a GPS.
Everything else is good, my knee is kinda sore. There are tons of hills here which I definitely couldn't have prepared for. I will be careful and work hard. I love you all!!
Elder Kyle Black