Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Email 10/22/09

Things are going great here. I am training a new missionary named Elder Reese and he is from Surprise AZ. This week has been pretty awesome so far.
During Zone Conference there were lots of changes in the mission organization and Elder Grow said that there needs to be a greater sense of urgency in the mission and be obedient. I think that the mission will start to do these things and we will start to baptize more!!!

Email 10/15/09

We played football with a bunch of missionaries at Robert Morris University and it was way fun.
We spent the week tracting, cleaning our apartment and moving.
We had dinner with Pres. and Sister Summerhays and they asked us to teach them a lesson-they were the investigators. We had to commit them to be baptized, it made me a little nervous. It went well and they were impressed with how well we taught.

Email 10/08/09

Things are going great!! I just talked to Pres. Summerhays this morning and he told me I will be training next transfer!! I am excited about that. Transfers are going to be crazy cux the day of transfers we have our mission tour and C. Scott Grow of the 70's is coming. It will be a long day.
We got our "new car" --it's not a car--it's a huge soccer mom mini van. It's pretty funny actually.
General conference all weekend. I am discovering that as I progress in my mission General Conference just keeps getting better and better. This conference just blew my mind. I loved Elder Holland's talk about the Book of Mormon.
Sweet is the work. I just want you all to know that I know that the Gospel is true and that it has been restored in these latter days through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know that my Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, lives and loves me. I know that missionary work is the most important work on this earth!! I love you all.

Email 10/1/09

Pittsburgh is already starting to get cold. It has been cold and rainy all week.
We went and contacted a referral named Jim and we taught him and his fiance. We had a good lesson with them, he had been out to Salt Lake and toured Temple square and everything. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he is excited to read it.
I had an interview with President Summerhays, and it went well. Hopefully things will keep picking up and we can help our investigators continue to progress toward baptism.

Email 9/17/09

I turn 21 tomorrow!! Crazy!! Time flies when you are having fun. Things are going great!! We are just trying to find new people to teach right now, and the work is going a little slow, but I know that it will pick up eventually. Beechview is a tough area, but hopefully we can soften the people up eventually and have success.
Monday night was the first Steelers game so we couldn't do much. There was a missionary "farewell" and it was really good just kinda over the top cuz he like played the guitar and everything. That's PA for you.
We walked around town and did some tracting and talked to people.
We are planting lots of seeds and doing our best. Hopefully we will see miracles and success in the future.

Email 9/10/09

I didn't get transferred and I'm still with Elder Mendoza for another 6 weeks. This week wasn't too exciting and not much happened. Hopefully next week will be better.
We did lots of tracting and stopped by lots of less actives in our ward. We got to visit with a few of them.
We did find a new investigator named Earl, we had a great chat with him and I am excited to go back tomorrow. We also have a new investigator named Bill and he is a way cool guy.

Email 9-3-09 catching up

It's already the last week of my first transfer back.
We went to the Pitts. zoo with 2 of the assistants. We went to the Thompsons house for breakfast on wed. and they are from AZ so they made us breakfast burritos!! It was super bomb.

We had a tough week tracting and looking for new investigators.