Thursday, October 1, 2009

email 8/27/09

Hey everybody! We are going to the Pitts zoo today so I gotta make it quick!
Thursday- After p-day was over we went and saw the Gonzales family and taught their 12 year old son whose name is Bay. It was fun and he is a cool kid. Then we went and visited 2 less active families.
Fri-In the afternoon we did tracting and found some good potential investigators. At night Elder Smith (my MTC comp) and Elder Olsen came and slept at our apartment and that was super fun.
Sat-We went and helped a non-member family move and it was really fun! We got to know them really well and they want to have us over for dinner so hopefully that works out.
Sun-We had meetings and church- and guess what? I had to give another talk. This time I was the youth speaker so I only had to talk for 5 minutes.
Mon-We had district meeting and talked about using our time wisely and being consistent. Elder Segura, one of the Assistants, talked about consistency and committed us all to become Peyton Manning-like consistent missionaries. So that's what we are trying to do. Then I went on exchanges with Elder Segura in Upper St. Clair, and saw lots of people and had tons of lessons. After dinner we were stopped and asked if we are the mormons and we said ya and she said that she had met with us before and wanted to meet again. So we went to her apartment with her and her brother and had milk and cookies. We had a super good lesson with them, they new what we were talking about and believed it!
Tue- Elder Segura and I did some tracting and then exchanged back and I went back to Beechview. Then Elder Mendoza and I went and saw the Charles family and had a lesson with them. I went on another exchange with Elder Ward who is a zone leader. I went down to Washington, PA and ironically enough that is where Matt Coronado goes to school. What is even crazier is that the Bishop of that ward know Matt Coronado cuz he teaches at that school. So they are gonna try and get in touch with him and I am gonna try and go down there and teach him. Cool huh!! So we had a really good days work down there.
Wed- I woke up and showered and stuff, and I went to put my contacts in and i couldn't see out of them. So I went to Elder Ward and asked him if he wore contacts and he was like yes, we figured out he had thrown mine away because he couldn't see. We went tracting and found 2 new investigators. Then I exchanged back to Beechview.
I love you all!! Have a great week and keep working hard!!
Elder Black

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hey everybody!
Everything here is going great! Elder Mendoza and I are doing well and working hard and we had a really good week to show for it. My knee is getting better and better.
Thur-Pday was pretty fun. It was suuuuper humid and hot !! We played football again and some basketball-I just shot around. Thursday night was hard because the Steelers were playing so it is pointless to tract.
Fri-Friday afternoon we did some tracting and stopped by a few people. Friday night we went to the Charles' house and watched the Testament with them and it was super good -the Spirit was very strong!! After that we mowed their lawn for them.
Sat-in the morning we went to the Greenwald's house to help them chop wood cuz their 75ft tree fell over. Luckily it just damaged power lines. We got to teach Emily about the restoration, and talked about Baptism with her. At night we had our Elder's quorum party at President Morans house. We had lots of food, and hung out for a bit. They all talked about the G20 event where a bunch of world leaders meet, and it's coming to Pitt and there are supposed to be lots of riots.
sun-We had two investigators at church. We went over to the Hoskins house for dinner and they invited their friends the DeMasters family over for dinner too. We had a lesson after dinner and answered alot of their questions. We gave them both copies of the Book of Mormon.
Mon-we had district meeting in the morning, and it was my first time conducting a district meeting since I have been back. We talked about obedience and I learned alot.
Tue-We saw the Carters and had a lesson. We had dinner at the Thompson's house- he is the ward mission leader and he is in dental school. They are from Mesa, and she made some bomb mexican food. Pork enchiladas. we went to FHE for the last time this summer.
wed-We went to this restaurant Old Mexico, and it wasnt very good. You have to be from out west to make good mexican food.
Well that's my week. Be safe and do work.
Elder Kyle Black


Hey everybody!
Things are going good here! My knee is doing good.
Thur- pday was suuuuper fun! We were playing football and I got to play quarterback since I can't do anything else.
Friday-we had zone conference, and it was very interesting. President Summerhays got up and we all had to list all the things that missionaries were doing wrong in the mission. And then he got really bold about it and just told everyone what needed to change. So I was happy because that meant the mission would hopefully get more obedient, but some of the missionaries were pretty upset about it.
Sat-we tracted all morning and found some potential investigators. Then in the afternoon we saw a couple of less active families. We taught the Maloneys, Carters and Sister Schmidt.
Sun-I found out saturday night at 10:00pm that I had to go to the Waynesburg branch with Elder Ang-Bejar (one of the AP's) and give a talk. So saturday night I quickly put a talk together, and sunday we went to this little tiny branch of about 20 people and spoke. I spoke about the Book of Mormon and it's mission, and it went really well. Then that night we went and had a lesson with the Charles family.
Mon-It was sooooo humid. Monday morning we had district meeting with the Coraopolis district because the AP's are the only other missionaries in my district, and they couldn't come. We had a really good lesson with Wilbur, and went to the Murdock's for dinner.
Tue-we tracted all morning, no luck unfortunately. At night we had FHE at the Hopkins and one of our referrals came. She is a girl named Emily and her boyfriend is on a mission in California. Hopefully we can start teaching her.
Wed-we had lessons with the Charles family, and saw some less active families.
I hope all is well
Elder Black

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

8/6/09- email

Everything is going really good here. Elder Mendoza and I get along great, it's true that opposites attract because we are definelty different.
Thursday- We went to the church and hung 0ut while everyone played dodgeball. It was so hard. Eventually I will be able to just jog and stuff.
Fri-Man that was a long time ago. We tracted in the afternoon, but didn't have any success.
Sat-Loooong day. We tracted all morning, and that afternoon we decided to visit the less active. None of them were home, so back to tracting. After dinner we had a lesson with Sister Schmidt who is less active. We walked her dog with her and had a lesson.
Sun-We don't have church until 1:00. So we have meetings before that. There are lots of graduate students in our ward. We ended the night at the Charles family for a lesson.
Mon-We did service at the Charles and helped them level out some ground to put an inflatable pool up. We are trying to do lots of less active work cuz that is a big thing for this area. We did find an investigator named Wilbur. He is a really nice older guy that really enjoyed talking to us. I am excited to go back and see him.
Tue - We tracted all morning and found another investigator named Ed and gave him a Book of Mormon.
Wed-We saw our most solid investigator Kris and she has been to church and liked it. We taught her the law of tithing and it went really well.
So that was my week. Love you all.
Love Elder Black
PS yes I have a car - thank goodness.

7/30/03- email

Hey everybody!!
Write letters now to my apartment 2750 Broadway Ave #7 Pittsburgh PA 15216. Hopefully I will get lots of letters (HINT)
My new area is called Beechview, it's a suburb of Pittsburgh. Pitt is super cool, the skyline is awesome. I am already a District leader again and Elder Russell is in my district. My new companion is Elder Mendoza, is is from Medesto CA. He is a really cool missionary and a hard worker which is awesome. The Pitt mission is different, everything is more laid back and less obedient. We will see what happens I just gotta keep doing what I do and hopefully the HBG will rub off on the Pitt.
Mon- flew to Pitt. Saw all the new missionaries, and went out to dinner . Then went to the mission home and hung out that night.
Tue-I went to the training meeting with the new missionaries. Then we had our transfer meeting and I got to see all my friends which was awesome.
Wed-Tracted all morning in the rain. Then Stephen Covey spoke to us, it was really cool. After that we stopped by a bunch of less active members and had good lessons with them. I feel so lost here- I need a GPS.
Everything else is good, my knee is kinda sore. There are tons of hills here which I definitely couldn't have prepared for. I will be careful and work hard. I love you all!!
Elder Kyle Black

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Kyle got his flight information- he will be leaving Phoenix Monday at 6:00. He will arrive in Pittsburgh at 2:30 with all of the new missionaries. He is very excited to get back out, especially when it has been 115 degrees here.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Yea!! Kyle got cleared by the surgeon on thursday to return to PA. He has a meeting with the Stake President to see what happens now. He is hoping to return soon. He will be limited for a while- no sports or bikes etc for 3 months. We will keep everyone posted.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Here is an update on Elder Black. He returned home on saturday, May 30 to have knee surgery. He and Elder Wallis took the HGB Olympics very seriously.

On monday, June 8 he had the surgery to repair the torn cartlidge. He is now undergoing 3 hours of physical therapy everyday. His therapist is hoping to have him ready to return to the mission field within the month. He goes back to the surgeon next thursday- we are hoping he is pleasantly surprised.

We will keep you all updated.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

5/26/09 email

Hey family,
We are trying to make time effective. Usually, I just go with the zone leaders in their van and work in their area, but today, they are on exchange with the Lemoyne Elders so they can't drive us around. I can't wait for my Dr's appt tomorrow so I know what's going on.
Mon-it was my 11 month mark!! Crazy! and we had the HBG olympics. So the whole Harrisburg Zone had basketball, soccer, volleyball and football events. We started off with basketball and me and Elder Wallis just dominated and got a ton of points. Then we had soccer, and during the team soccer, the game was about over and I went after the ball against another Elder and my knee locked up and I couldn't extend it. I thought at first that it would pop back, so I iced it down and everything until the olympics were over. And even though I didn't even play volleyball or football, Elder Wallis and I still got first place in the first ever Harrisburg Olympics. I was happy about that. I went with Elder Ricaldi to the ER at 6:30 and we didn't get outta there till like 11:30. All they could do is refer me to a specialist.
Tue-I hung out with Elder Bakker and we ran some errands and stuff all morning while Elder Ricardi and Elder Wallis went and worked. That night we went to the BYU Ballrooom dance show. It was sooooooooo good!
Wed-I had my orthopedic appt, and pretty much all they did was make sure my ACL wasn't torn and set me up to have an MRI on friday. Then I went straight to my interview with Pres. and Sister Pugh. Pres. just told me he wants to wait and see what the Dr wants to do before he moves me temporarily or permanently, and we had a good interview. It was sad though cuz it was my last interview with him. We had an appt with Nancy and talked to her about following the Prophet and it went well. Then we went to get Sushi with Sister Acri. She is a recent convert who is getting ready to go to the temple. My first sushi experience was pretty good, it just doesn't fill you up at all.
Thur-Elder Bakker and I hung around the apartment all morning and did area book work....BORING!!!
Fri-Elder Wallis and I took the Zone Leaders van and we stopped by some members. Then that night I had my MRI, I hope it will be a once in a lifetime experience.
Sat-I went with Elder Ricaldi in the am and we stopped by some of their investigators. For lunch Bro. Novitzke took us to this place called the Eagle Hotel, and he bought us each one chicken wing called the Sudden Death Wing. You have to sign a waiver for it cuz it is sooo hot. So we all had one wing, and Elder Ricaldi actually had 2 ( he thought he could handle it cuz he is from Brazil). I went first and just ate it super fast, but after a few seconds my mouth was on fire!! It was the hottest thing I have ever tasted!! I chugged a glass of milk and a glass of water and ate celery and all this stuff. It didn't help too much. It took a good 30 minutes for my mouth to settle down. Elder Ricaldi got 1 1/2 wings down and couldn't take it anymore. Elder Bakker and Elder Wallis both struggled pretty bad and were both teary eyed. We celebrated by getting wings that weren't too hot- and they were way good.
Sun- Church was annoying because everyone asked what happened. I went with Elder Bakker and we saw a less active member and stopped by other people's house.
I hope this week will be better for all of us. But, our faith only grows stronger through trials as it says in Ether 12:6, so they are what is best for us. I love you all. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!! Talk to you next week.
Elder Kyle Black

5/25/09 email

It sounds like this week was crazy for everybody! Don't get scared or freaked out when I type this, but I hurt my knee this locked up during the HBG Olympics last week, and I had to go to the ER all monday night and get it checked out. Then on Wed. I gad to go see an Orthopedic surgeon and he scheduled an MRI for me and everything and I that done on friday. So for now I'm on crutches, which sucks.. I can't extend my leg all the way back cuz they think a piece of cartlidge broke off. So I'm praying that the worst case senario will be to scope my knee and I'll be back on my feet in a few weeks. I had a blessing and everything and that definitely helped!! Keep praying for me that my knee will heal properly. It definetly has been a hard week, and it was horrible timing to hear about Britney, but I know everything is the Lord's will. I will email more tomorrow.

5/18/09 email

So Monday- just the ususal P-day here in the HBG. We just played indoor soccer and basketball with the Lebanon Elders(Lundquist and Eads) and the Middleton Elders (Boekweg and Thacker) and that was a lot of fun.
Tue-we went and did service at Sister Winters house again. We did yardwork, and I had to trim her yard which was fun. We went downtown and saw Gerald. We walked around and talked to people until we went to the Sundreds for dinner, which is what we do every tuesday, and it's awesome cuz every week they have a ton of food and a whole gallon of delicious chocolate milk. After dinner we went back downtown and Brother Lieb met us and we had a lesson with one of our investigators named "Cuba", and he is from Cuba of course and he is awesome. He says we are "beautiful people" and likes us alot.
Wed-In the morning we went and had a lesson with a guy named Michael that is from Africa! We taught him the restoration and he was way interested. We gave him a Book of Mormon and he became a new investigator! We saw Sister Enders and Sister Stalters, just two old ladies we go visit in a care home and talk and sing to them. It's fun. That evening we saw Nancy and talked to her alot about the Book of Mormon and the 10 commandments. That night we went and got Ritas!! It's so good- it's frozen custard and Italian ice mixed. Amazing!!
Thur-Zone conference!! It was super good to see everyone. After that we went with Bro. Novitzke (ward mission leader) and we saw Gerald and we taught him about the Book of Mormon again.
Fri-We pretty much just worked the whole day and taught a few lessons, but that was it. We did see Nancy again and taught her the Word of Wisdom which she was very receptive too!
Sat-Long hot day! We walked around forever and just taught and chatted.
Sun-We went and had dinner with Sister Wisler, and then went downtown for the rest of the night. We saw Gerald again which was fun.
Elder Black

5/11/09 email

I forgot to tell you something on the phone yesterday about this week -we almost saw a shooting go down. Two guys were arguing with each other and there was lots of yelling and foul language and then we heard this girl say, "if my mom gets shot somethings going down.". It was crazy cuz we were trying to see an investigator during the whole thing and we finally decided to get outta there. We almost saw a girl fight too which would have been super crazy.
Mon-we balled it up!! We played basketball and volleyball all day! It was so fun, but I was super tired. We had a lesson with sister Beuhler and we read the Book of Mormon with her and that was good.
Tue-We did service at Sister Winter's house and then she bought us some chicken cheese steaks and they were super good. We worked downtown for the resto of the night.
Wed-In the morning I had District Leader council, which is just a meeting for District Leaders. Our district meeting after was on Christlike attributes and it was really good. We drove back to Harrisburg cuz district meeting was in Elizabethville, then we went downtown and worked for the night. We had a really good night with 3 lessons and 1 new investigator.
Thur-We had the religion fair in the morning, so that was pretty fun. We didn't talk to too many people, but it was still fun.
Fri-We had a really good day!! We stopped a bunch of people downtown and then had a lesson with Nancy and we taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ and set her with a baptismal date of June 6!! She is way excited and so are we!! Keep praying for her.
Sat-We saw Adrian who is one of our investigators, he is from Haiti. He doesn't speak much english, so we took Oles over there cuz he is from Haiti as well, and they just talked for a while in Creole, which is the Haitian language. That night we went and saw Gerald and he gave me a throwback Miami Heat basketball jersey!! That was cool.
Sun-Church was really good. Nancy, Gerald, and Adrian all came to church and really enjoyed it. Then we saw a few people after church, and in the afternoon we called home for Mothers day which was super good of course.
Elder Black

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

05/04/09 email

Hola!! So this week was soooooo good! The HBG is so fun!!! I love talking to the black people and I think that I have heard every rap song ever created haha. I feel at home here so that is good!
mon-transfers-busy,busy,busy!! My new comp is Elder Wallis he is from Idaho Falls. He likes sports and music and we get along great!
tue-first day of bike riding. We rode to Sister Winters house and did service. We had some good lessons and found 2 new investigators.
wed-we had district meeting which went well!! We went downtown and talked to lots of people and had some good lessons. We found a new investigator named Gerald and he is sooo cool! He looks like Vinnie with a beard.
thur-We had such a good day! We had a decent morning of tracting and stuff. Then in the afternoon we went downtown and talked to TONS of people. We had t0ns of lessons and found 3 new investigators. I love the city and all the black people, it's so fun to talk to them and they are so much nicer than white people when you talk about religion.
Fri-It rained pretty much all day so it was hard to ride bikes. The Zone leaders drove us downtown and we had a couple of lessons with some members and found a solid new investigator named Nancy! She is really searching and wants to learn.
Sat-We had the whole day to work and had an amazing day!! Except for in the afternoon I flipped over my bike and scratched up my knee pretty good. It's all good now and it's feeling better. We went downtown for like 6 hours straight and just talked to everyone we saw and we had 8 lessons and found 3 new investigators. So it was an excellent day of teaching, probably the best one on my mission so far!!
Sun- we had Stake Conference, and it was a broadcast were Pres. Monson, Elder Perry, Elder Jensen, and Brother Beck talked to us. It was pretty good for sure! Then we rode downtown and worked for 6 hours straight again. It was a slower day, we actually knocked on doors.
We did some teaching and found one last investigator for the week named Terrance and he is super cool. He believed everything we said and wants to read the Book of Mormon.
That was our week. Our district had such a good week. Our district alone taught 60 lessons to nonmembers and found 31 new investigators.
Elder Wallis and I are basically starting over in this area cuz he only got here a week before me.
Happy mothers day to all the mothers who read this!!
Elder Kyle Black

04/27/2009 email

Hey everybody!! I did get transferred! My new area is .................Paxton Park, which is downtown Harrisburg. And guess is a bike area. and guess what else....I am the District Leader. So I' m really excited about all of that! My new companion is Elder Wallis, and he is a cool guy.
Now on to my last week in Montrose:
Mon-Had p-day in Susquehanna, and had dinner and Family Home evening with the Bells.
Tue-I was on exchange with Elder Alley, and did some service and then had a couple of lessons with some investigators.
Wed-my last district meeting in Susquehanna. We did some tracting and taught alot and found a new investigator named Pat.
Thur- did more service. Had a lesson with Irish and Sarah and watched a video about temples.
Fri-We saw Donna and Christina and set her with a baptismal date. So hopefully I'll hear how that goes and let you know if it went through.
Sat-We did tracting in the morning, and had Alison Bell's baptism. The baptism went well and there were lots of nonmembers there so that was good.
Sun- Said goodbye to people at church.
Montrose was really good, I'm definetly going to miss it alot, but I know I'll love Harrisburg just as much.
Elder Black

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4/20/09 email

Hey fam!!
I didn't have too much work time which was a bummer this week.
Mon-Just hung around like usual. We went a saw a couple investigators and had some lessons that night.
Tue- We had district meeting , and then stayed in Susquehanna all day. We had a going away party for Elder and Sis. Baughman cuz they were going home. That was fun.
Wed-We got up and went to the restoration site and then went down to the river and had a testimony meeting with the Baughman's. That night we saw the Gregory's and Christine.
Thur-We went back to Christine's house and helped her repair a fence. That took 5 hours and then she BBQ'd us some chicken. Then we rushed back and changed and went to the Harrington's for dinner.
Fri-We had weekly planning. Then we went to Choconut and tracted and had a lesson with the Bryant's.
Sat-We saw Chris and Christina and had a good lesson about temples. After lunch we tracted for the WHOLE afternoon, and didn't find anyone to teach....bummer... We had dinner at Irish and Sarah's and then ended the night with a lesson at the Matthews house.
Sun-Our high council speaker didn't show up so I had to go up and bear my testimony and talk and take up some time. We had a lesson with Irish, Sarah, Christine along with two boys Spencer and Gabriel. We talked about tithing and it went really well. Hopefully this last week of the transfer will be a good one.
Sweet is the work!!
Elder Kyle Black

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

4/13/09 email

Hey everybody!! Easter here was very good. It's starting to warm up, the trees are starting to bud which is good. I'm excited for PA to be green again!!!
Onto my week- it was pretty good-especially Thursday and Sunday!!
Mon-we just hung around, wrote letters and stuff. Then we went to the Zwenefskis for dinner and saw the Bryant family. We talked to them and shared a message with them.
Tue-We had a lesson with Chris and Christina in the morning. Then we saw a guy named Frank and had a lesson with him and read from the Book of Mormon. After lunch we went to New Milford and tracted all afternoon and found some good potential investigators.
Wed-We had district meeting in Susquehanna, and we talked about the Book of Mormon. After that Elder Scott and I went down to the Aaronic Priesthood restoration site for a bit and went down to the Susquehanna river. It was a very cool experience. It's always sooo peaceful and Spirit filled there that is for sure!!
Thurs- This was a great day! We went on exchange with the Zone leaders, Elder Carson and Elder Welker. I went with Elder Carson, and we had such a good day. We tracted all afternoon, and we found 3 new investigators, Sam, Cindy and Erica. We also found lots of potential investigators and handed out several Books of Mormon. To finish off the night we had a lesson with Irish and Sarah at the Church and it went pretty well.
Fri-We went to the Briggs house and helped Bro. Briggs move a bunch of bricks from a wall that fell over. It would have been an easier job, but it was raining the whole time which stunk.
Sat- it was pretty cool cuz we got to go to the Matthews house and build the bottom half of a chicken coop. It was just me and Elder Scott doing it. Luckily, Elder Scott knows about construction, cuz I would have no idea what to do. But, it was fun and it looked pretty good!! I killed my thumb with a hammer though.
Sun-Church was super good. We had an Easter program, and the Spirit was sooo strong. After church we went to the Liggetts house cuz they said they would take us to the Matthews for Easter dinner. So we were driving out to the Matthews, and Bro Liggett got called on a tow cuz he works for AAA, and so we had to turn around and go with him to unlock a car that this guy locked himself out of. We finally made it to the Matthews and had dinner. It was super good, and then we got an Easter basket. We got to see Bro. Tanner butcher a rooster. He tried cutting it's head off, but he couldn't do it, so the rooster just ran around with it's head hanging half off until it died.
I hope all is going well, and I want you to know that all is well here!! Sweet is the work!!
Elder Kyle Black

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

4/6/09 Email

The big news this week is that our mission is combining with the Pittsburgh mission on July 1. The mission office is in Pittsburgh so I might get to go to Pittsburg a time or two. Other than that we didn't have too great of a week cuz we pretty much only had 4 days of work with Zone conference and General Conf. Now onto my week
Mon-Just hung around and wrote some letters. Then Pres. Harrington came and picked us up and we went and saw a few of the members of the branch. Then we came back and tracted for a bit, and then washed the truck for zone conf.
Tue-We drove to Scranton for Zone conf. and it was really good!! It was exciting to find out about our new mission, and how we are gonna get to meet a whole new set of missionaries. I just hope the changes aren't too drastic. We got an extra 100 miles cuz our truck was so clean. YES!! We definitely needed those. After Zone conf. we had interviews which were fun as usual.
Wed.-We just did lots of tracting with no success which was a bummer. Then the Jandas came and picked us up and we had dinner at their house. Then Bro. Janda went with us to see Donna C. and we had a good lesson with her.
Thur-We went over to the Liggetts house and helped do some painting and stuff. Then we tracted in the afternoon with no luck again...I told you this was a bummer week. Then that night we went to the Matthews house and watched a good movie with them about the temple called "Between Heaven and Earth" it's sooo good.
Fri-After lunch we went out to Choconut and tracted for a bit then we went and saw the Bryants and Courtney and had a good discussion with her. After dinner we went and had a lesson with Irish and Sarah.
Sat-It was General Conf. It was sooo good!! My favorite talks of saturday were by Elder Richard G. Scott, who talked about temples and Pres. Uchtdord during Priesthood. Oh man, I love general conf.
Sun-More conf. There were so many good talks!! My favorites were Elder Holland's talk on the atonement, and pres. Monson's talk on focusing on blessings!! The spirit was so strong that is for sure. After conf we went to Randy and Suzanne Bells house and had dinner with them and their whoooole family that consists of like half of the branch. Then we had a lesson with them which went really well.
So that was my week!! The grass and trees are all turning green!! Summer is right around the corner, I can't wait!! My 7th transfer is half over, I can't believe that. But know all is well everybody!! I love you all! SWEET IS THE WORK AND GREAT IS THE GLORY!!
Elder kyle black

Monday, April 6, 2009

4/6/09- email

So guess what?? This week at Zone Conference we found out alot of interesting and very exciting news. On July 1st, when Pres. Pugh goes home, our mission will be combining with the PA Pittsburgh mission. So I'll get to go to Pittburgh!! Our new mission pres is President Summerhays.
Elder Black

03/30/09 Email

Hey everybody!
Onto my week-
Mon- We just hung around and relaxed and re-arranged our apartment. Then we tracted for about an hour and then had a lesson with John E. We are waiting to set a baptism date because he has to have surgery. He is still excited to learn.
Tue-We saw the Olivers in the morning and had a good lesson with them. Then we tracted for the rest of the morning and afternoon and found 2 new investigators. We had dinner with the Montonyas, and ended up being there for the rest of the night cuz it took them forever to settle down so that we could have a lesson with them.
Wed-We had district meeting in Susquehanna again and it went really well!! We stayed there all day and worked with those Elders.
Thur-We tracted for the morning and some of the afternoon. then we had a lesson with the Gregorys which went well. We had dinner at the Wilcox's and then went on exchange with Bro. Wilcox, which was fun!! They are a great family.
Fri-We drove out to Choconut and did some tracting, tried to see Courtney at the Bryant's house, but only Bro. Bryant was there. We had a lesson with Donna C. and were able to reset her again with a baptismal date of April 18.
Sat- did lots of walking and tracting. Had a lesson and gave a Book of Mormon to this nice couple we tracted into. Then Bro. Bell came and picked us up and took us to dinner at Great Dragon Chinese Food. We saw the Matthews family and then ended the night by seeing Irish and Sarah. Good day!!
Sunday- Church was good!! We had a 2 hour meeting where Pres. Harrington talked about how the Priesthood needs to step up.
That was our week- and it was pretty good!!
Elder Black

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3/23/09- email

Hey everybody!! Everything here is going great!! My new companion is awesome and we get along very well!! He is a great missionary for only being out 6 months. I have learned so much from him already.
So on to my was probably the best all around week that I have had since I have been in Montrose, so I'm excited about that.
Monday-We went to Scranton and I picked up Elder Scott.
Tue- We went and saw the Oliver family and had the best lesson that we have had with them so far. Chris is the investigator and is learning alot. Then we went and worked in Milford for the rest of the day. We did lots of tracting, and then had dinner at the Goffs. We had corned beef and cabbage for St. Patty's day, and it was pretty good.
Wed-We had district meeting in Susquehanna. Then we stayed there for the day and went to Sister Millers house and helped rip down a bunch of wall in this house that they are remodeling. Then for the rest of the night Elder Mills and I tracted and saw one of their members.
Thur-We did service in the morning. After lunch we went down to Springville and tracted for the whole afternoon and part of the evening- but no luck. Then that night we went and saw the Matthews and had a lesson with them and that was it.
Fri-We went and saw Bro. Briggs and his son Jaydon and had a lesson with him about the Book of Mormon and that went well. Then we did some tracting in Choconut which was pretty productive and we talked to alot of people. We went to the Detricks house for dinner, and after dinner we had a pretty good lesson with the Jordans.
Sat-Did lots of tracting, and we saw lots of success. We found two new investigators, one named Mrs. Barber, and the othe one is Christine, and she lives with Irish and Sarah. We have started teaching her now too, and what's good is that they all came to church which is even better.
Sun-Church was really good!! Elder Scott and I both gave talks, and we talked for a long time. After dinner we had a really good lesson with Sister Veley and her big boxer named Cooper. Then we tracted for a little bit, and the first door we knocked on we found an investigator named Adam and he is really cool. Then to finish off the night we went and had a lesson with Bro. Pratt
Know that I'm continuing to work hard and that we have excellent things going on up here in Montrose!! Well, until we talk again, deuces!!!!
Elder Black

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

email 3/16/09

Hey everybody!! Right now I am in Scranton, Elder Argyle got transferred. I am waiting here for my new companion Elder Scott. It was cool, I got to go to the mall today for the first time and look at stuff. I bought a pair of sunglasses, I needed something new so I bought them. on to my week....
Monday-just hung around like we usually do on pdays...then we tracted the rest of the day.
Tue-went and did service at the Montonyas and threw a bunch of scrap metal and stuff into a huge dumpster. Then we went and moved a piano from the Jandas house to the Zenefskis house. That night we went and taught Donna about baptism and the 10 commandments, and it went really well!!
Wed-we had district meeting in the morning. After that Elder and Sister Baughman took us to Original Italian Pizza which was super good. After that the Susquehanna Elders blitzed our area with us, so I went tracting with Elder Mills for a while and that was fun. Elder Alley and I stayed in Montrose and we went to the Coxs for dinner and then went on exchange with Brother Cox. We went and saw our investigator John E. and taught him about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it was the best lesson that we have had with him yet. So that's very exciting. At the end of the lesson he was asking us when he is gonna get baptized!!! so that's exciting.
Thur- Elder Alley and I did lots of service again. Then that night we went and exchanged back with the other Elders and saw a member of the Susquehanna branch named Brother Lewis who is super cool.
Fri-We went out to Choconut and saw the Briggs family and had a lesson with them. Then we went and saw Courtney and the Bryant family. Then that night we went and saw the Montonyas and had dinner with them and that went well for sure.
Sat-We did lots of tracting and walking. That night we went and saw the Matthews family and had a good lesson with them. Then we were driving back to Montrose and we saw something bolt across the road in front of the car ahead of us, and then something else ran before it too. But the car hit it and it flew into the ditch and we found out it was a deer, and it was kinda just spinning around and started running toward our truck, and I had to slam on the brakes and it was crazy!! But don't worry, I didn't kill Bambi like they did in Tommy Boy!
Sun-Church went well. We went to the Briggs again and Bro. Briggs cooked us chicken speedie again which was super good. Then immediately we went to the Liggetts and had dinner with them so Elder Argyle could say goodbye. Needless to say we ate alot yesterday.
So that was my week. Know that all is well here and that I'm working hard. Transfer 7 is hopefully going to bring lots of luck to Montrose!! So keep praying for us!!
Elder Black

letter 3/9/09

Whats up family!!
Things up in Montrose are going well. It's crazy that it's already the last week of this transfer, and then its on to transfer 7. Holy Cow! After the next one, I'll only have 10 transfers left.
So Dad, when you were on your mission, did it ever get to the point that you got so comfortable that you just felt like you would be a missionary forever and never go home? That's what it feels like to me.
Well, I love you guys and will check ya on the flip side!
Elder Black

Thursday, March 12, 2009

3/9/09- email

Hey everyone!! Hows everything going in AZ and abroad? Everything is going well for me for sure. We had the best week since I have been up here!! So we are stoked about that. We hope to finish off this last week of the transfer strong before transfers come and most likely break us up.
Mon-just p-day we didn't do anything fun cuz we are in Montrose haha and they don't even hae places to go shopping for ties or anything. Then we had dinner at the Zenefskis and they fed us Chicken Speedies too! They were good! Then we went home and tracted for the evening, and it was FREEZING!!
Tue- we had district meeting in the morning and it was in Susquehanna for the first time which was cool. It is a cool little town. After district meeting I stayed and went on exchange with Elder Mills, and he is a great guy. He was in the National Guard and was about to go to Iraq and then got permission to come on a mission. He used to jump out of planes and helicopters. Crazy guy.
Wed- Tracted in the morning and then drove to Hallstead to exchange back, and we got to eat at this good pizza place called Tedeschi's. I think one of the trademarks of every town in this mission is that it has a good pizza place.
Thur- We did service in the morning which went well at the historical society. But this was the day that both Elder Argyle and I had a bit of a sick bug, he has been sick all week. We went to dinner at the Buffington's house. After dinner we went on exchange and found some really good potential investigators for sure!!
Fri-We had weekly planning in the morning...then we did lots of walking and tracting. Then we had a lesson with the Jordans and that was our day.
Sat-We did lots of walking again, and it was 65 degrees! I had a short sleeve shirt on and I was still sweaty- I guess my body has some adjusting to do with the weather. Then we went and saw the Babcocks who called us and told us they wanna meet with us. (Elder Argyle found them a while ago and they told them they would call us if they wanted to talk). So we went and talked to them and they read alot of the Book of Mormon which is super cool. We are excited to go back and talk to them and teach them more. Then that night we saw Irish and had a good lesson with him! He also had a lady over there that he wanted us to teach. Kinda crazy that a nonmember gives us more referrals than our members do. She was a cool lady so I hope we can teach her more.
Sun-A great day!!! Donna C. came to church and loved it. She is getting baptized on March 28th. I taught Gospel Principles class and it went well. After church we went on exchanges and saw a bunch of people. We are really trying to work with our members to get them more involved.
I'm super happy cuz daylight savings started again so now it doesn't get dark till like 8 which is amazing.
Sweet is the work!!! And great is the glory!!
Elder Black

Friday, March 6, 2009

3/2/09 email

Hey everybody!!
Our investigators are doing well. We are working hard up here and we are seeing success which I am very pleased with!! This area is one of the toughest... the town is so small that everyone knows who we are. So just have to find those who are prepared by the Lord for us at this time. So that requires hard work and talking with everyone!! Talking with everyone is hard sometimes cuz most of the time it is just such an awkward situation. But once you force yourself to do it it ends up being fun.
Now I'll get to my week which was a good one
Mon- We hung around for p-day and when saw a couple investigators, but didn't have very good lessons with them.
tue- we had Zone Conference in Scranton! That was fun to be able to go down there into the city again. Conference was super good, probably one of the best ones I have had so far!! It was good to see Pres and Sister Pugh back again cuz they were in Utah where he had surgery. I learned alot and have been trying my best to apply everything and is all paying off greatly for sure. After conference we stayed in Scranton and went on exchange with the Zone leaders.
wed-Elder Sorensen and I did more tracting and talked to alot of people. When we were driving back to Montrose we got lost in Scranton for about an hour, but we found our way home. Brother Bell picked us up and we had dinner at his house with his family. They are all super smart. After dinner we had a family home evening with them and taught Allison cuz she is getting ready to be baptized.
thur- We did service in the morning and did lots of tracting until dinner. Then we went to the Wilcox's for dinner, and then Bro Wilcox went with us to see the Jordan family.
fri- we had weekly planning in the morning then we tracted and taught 2 lessons and found one new investigator named Teresa. We taught her and will see where that goes. That night we saw Donna Cornell and taught her about the law of chastity and reset her baptismal date of March 28, and she is excited. Then we went to the Briggs house and he cooked us some steak and egg noodles with gravy and it was good. They are a cool young family that wants to start coming back to church so that they can get sealed in the temple.
sat-lots of street contacting and tracting
sun- Church!! the Briggs family came!!! Which we were stoked about! and it went really well. After church we went and did some country tracting and had some muddy dogs jump on me, which I wasn't happy about. Then Bro. Briggs fed us again which was cool. He fed us what is called "Chicken Speedy" which is marinated chicken with the "speedy sauce" what they only make here, and you put it on a hoagie roll. They were super good.
So that was our week- it was a good one for sure!!
I love you all and I pray for you!! Sweet is the work and great is the glory!!
Elder kyle black

2/23/09 email

This is what happened this week!!
Monday- we went to Susquehanna and had p-day over there and then we drove back and worked here for the night with Elder Alley and Elder Mills.
Tue- they took our truck to Harrisburg, so we were on foot all day which was good exercise!! So we did some tracting in the morning and the early afternoon. Then we saw some of the Birchard family and we mainly taught Ty and taught him the Restoration and he loved it!! He was soaking it all in!! Then Bro. Janda came and picked us up and we had dinner with him and his wife. They have a map of all the places they have traveled and it was so cool!! they have been all over the world even Antarctica!! Then after dinner we got to do a little star gazing with Bro. Janda cuz he is really into that and he showed us some constellations and stuff so that was cool.
Wed- we saw the Oliver family, they are a part member family, and Chris is investigating and we had a really good lesson and he wants to get baptized. We saw the Gregory family that night and taught Chris one last time before his baptism and had a good lesson. Then we had dinner with the family and Sister Gregory cooked tacos!! It snowed a few inches today.
Thur- We drove down to Springville and did some tracting in the afternoon. We went to the Harringtons and we were supposed to have dinner with them and the Matthews, but the Matthews furnace caught on fire so they had to take care of that. So we had dinner with the Harringtons, he is our Branch President and is a nice guy! Then we went and saw the Matthews and saw how they were doing. Their house was all black from soot cuz they tried to vacuum it up but there was no filter in the vacuum so it went all over. Their white dog is now black!! It was really funny- but then we had a great lesson with them.
Friday- we had our district meeting, and Elder Alley put me in charge of this meeting!! So I thought I did really well and it was good practice. Then I went on exchange with Elder Alley in Susquehanna and we had a lot of fun.
Sat- The Susquehanna Elders go to the guym and work out with this investigator every saturday morning!! So I got to go to the gym and work out for an hour!! Then we drove to Montrose for Chris Gregory's baptism which was really good. An Elder named Elder Peck who served here a few years ago came back and baptized him. We played basketball with him this morning and he is cooking us mexican food tonight at the Gregory's. After the baptism the Gregorys invited us over for pizza and then we had a lesson with Irish.
Sun- Irish came to church!!! One of the primary teachers named Sister Rucker brought me this robe to church and asked me to be King Benjamin and teach her primary class about him cuz they were learning about Prophets, so I got to dress up and it was fun.
I hope you all have a great week and stay safe!!
Elder Black

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

02/17/2009 email

Here is a summary of my week! Hope you enjoy and have a good week! Keep doin work and spreading the good news of the gospel!!
Monday...we just had a usual p-day. We tried to play basketball, but couldn't because there was some sort of testing at the church all day. But that night we went and saw 2 of them is named William M. and he is a really smart guy that knows alot about the gospel!! The bad thing is he doesn't believe that he has to go to church so thats the barrier that we have to get around and show him from the bible that it teaches that we should assemble together to worship. The other guys named John E. and he is really interested in Joseph Smith so we talked to him alot about that.
Tue- we had district meeting...the zone leaders came so I got to see Elder Russell which was fun!! We learned alot from District meeting and I'm so excited for this transfer. We could be seeing some good things happening in Montrose soon!!!
Wed-We street contacted in the morning and we found a family- the Birchards. They have 3 kids.
Thur- We did service for a little bit at the historical society. Then we went and taught the Birchards again and taught them the whole restoration lesson!! That afternoon it was so windy and freezing and there was like hail snow stuff that hurt when it hit you cuz the wind was blowing so hard. We tracted in it a little bit. Then we went to the Gregory's house and had a lesson with Chris again which was fun. That night we went with Brother Parker(who lives above us) and saw Irish and Sarah again and taught them about temples.
Friday-we had weekly planning in the morning, then we went out to Choconut and worked out there and did some tracting in the boonies. It was sooooo cool cuz there are soooo many stars. I have never seen so many stars in my life.
sat- probably the longest day of my mission so far haha. nothing went right. We tracted and no one was home. But sunday was a new day!
Sunday- we had church and it went really well. Then we went and tracted in the afternoon and saw Irish and Sarah again. Sunday night we went and spent the night at the Susquehanna Elders apartment which was fun.
Monday- We tried to go bowling but it was closed. So we went to the arcade and played pool!! We did a best of 7 series and Elder Argyle and I scratched on the 8 ball in the 7th game and lost the series. So we had to buy the other Elders pizza. Last night I went with Elder Alley (they came to montrose cuz they had to borrow our truck and go down to Harrisburg today, their truck is in the shop) so I went with him and did some tracting and went and saw John E. again..but he wasn't feeling good and pretty much just told us his problems. So not too fun.
Much love
Elder Black

02/16/2009 email

Hey everybody!! Hows it going? My week went really well. It actually warmed up got up to 60 degrees on wednesday. It was amazing!!!
Right now we are in Windsor, NY at Elder and Sister Baughmans house and we are hanging out with the Susquehanna Elders and we are going to go bowling hopefully. I don't have too much time today..we will be able to go to the library tomorrow to email more.
The highlight of our week was wednesday, we walked around Montrose and street contacted in the morning and we were able to contact 15 people!! Which is alot for Montrose in the winter. We contacted a family named Birchards and I talked to the mom and she said we could talk to them and she gathered her kids around and we talked to her about the restoration and stuff...and then she told us we could come back the next day. So we did and taught them the full first lesson and we were able to set them with a baptismal date of march 28. We spent all day saturday trying to get them a ride to church and then we finally did at 8:30 saturday night and I called Christina and she said they already made plans cuz we didn't call them in time. It was a learning experience for me and we will definelty find them a ride earlier in the week.
We have been tracting alot in the country at night and it's so amazing!!! There are so many stars and its soooo cool!!
Know that all is well up here and that I'm working hard!!
Elder Black

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

02/09/2009- email

Hey Everybody!! Things up in Montrose are going great! It's close to Susquehanna and the Restoration site. While I was driving up there I got lost and ended up in New York-ooops! Things are going great up here. It's actually not too cold up here, it's in the mid 30s and all the snow is melding away. I'm having so much fun. It's so rural and there are deer everywhere and we see them on the road sometimes. The other night we were driving and I saw a white tail deer in the middle of the road so I hit the brakes and the deer started running off the road- it was cool. The other night we were tracting in the woods and we heard wolves howling!! It's soo cool up here I like it so much. Elder Argyle and I get along great!! We have a lot in common and just have fun with each other.
I'll give you some highlights of our week up here in Montrose (which is the home of Chris Snee of the NY Giants by the way).
We taught this lady named Donna on tuesday and we set her with a baptismal date of March 14 which she will hopefully be able to keep. We just have to get her to come to church, which is tough around here because of the weather. The Susquehanna district is really cool. Elder Alley is our District leader and Elder Mills is his companion. Then Elder and Sister Baughman and they are awesome!! Then Elder Argyle and I. So it's a good little district and I love it up here!!!
We had district meeting on wednesday, then after that we were going to tract, and I was pulling into the snow to park, and didn't realize that I was pulling into a ditch and got the truck stuck (yes we drive a truck up here which I love) so we tried getting it out but couldn't do it. Then like an hour and a half later this lady came and pulled us out with her tractor haha, it was funny. That was discouraging but it happens.
Thursday was the best day here so far...we did service in the morning and we go to the historical society library. We just sort a bunch of really old family relics which was cool. Then we tracted and found a new investigator named Linda and she was really interested in the Book of Mormon. Then we went to the Gregory's house and their son Chris is getting ready to be baptized because he just turned 8, it's fun to teach him but a challenge because he doesn't sit still. Their daughter Jontue calls me richy boy cuz of my watch that I have from Walmart that I wear proselyting. That is a cool family!!
Then we saw some investigators named Irish and Sarah. They want to get baptized, and will as soon as they are married. We taught them thursday and sunday.
Friday was interesting...we got in 4 doors to teach lessons, but all those lessons were pretty much just practice cuz no one was interested they were just being nice. I was pleased that they at least let us in though!!!
Church was really good and I really like this branch!! It is a bigger branch than in Philipsburg, and there are lots of good little families here!! I just felt so welcome and like I belonged which I was excited about. After church we went on exchange with Brother Burt and tried stopping by some people, but no one was home, so he took us back to his house for dinner with his family which was good.
On Saturday night we met the Montonyas and they are a cool family!!! They have a son named Melvin, he is 17 and a mix between Eddy and Devo so he is super cool.
So that was my week!! It was fun!! I'm excited and grateful to be here in Montrose doing the Lords work!! Love you all!! Have a great week!!! Sweet is the Work!!
One love,
Elder Kyle Black

Saturday, February 7, 2009

2/2/09 Letter

Hey Family!! I'm doing well. I am actually driving up to Scranton right now cuz I have been transferred to Montrose, which is by the New York border, and it is in the Scranton stake. Elder Russell (his first companion) is my Zone Leader, so I am super excited about that. Montrose is super cold. So I am going from a cold area to an even colder area haha. I'm excited to be up by Scranton.
Everything is going well and I'm still working hard and staying warm and healthy. I can't believe that I am coming up on 8 months out, it's so crazy that I am in my third area and my 6th companion, so it's been really fun.
I'm bummed the Cardinals lost last night, cuz I heard they were close. I got to see the whole first quarter at the Allens, so that was pretty cool.
I love you guys and I'll let you know more about Montrose next week.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

02/02/09- email

Hey everyone! So I'm sorry to hear that the Cards lost... it was a bummer to hear about that. But, I don't have too much time cuz I got transferred...I'm going to Montrose which is up by New York. It's the boonies again, but I guess that's where I'm needed so that's where I'll go. My new companion's name is Elder Argyle and he is a cool guy I already know him so it should be lots of fun. I am senior companion again- I'm super excited about it and I'll have to write more next week. I 've got to go- I'm in Scranton right now and I still have to drive to Montrose. I love you and I will talk to you later!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1/26/09- Email

Hey Family!!
The burrito's are amazing!!! The breakfast ones are better cuz they didn't get soggy like the carne asade ones.. all the steak made the tortillas super soggy.. but they were still good!!
Everyone here is hyped about the Super Bowl!! It's me and Brother Saline (a guy in our branch from AZ) versus all of PA haha. So I hope the Cards win!!
It's already week 6 of the transfer!! I have a feeling I'm gonna be leaving Clearfield come next monday..but we will see what happens.
This week was definitely a bit warmer which is good!! On friday it got up to like 48 degrees which was amazing!! But then it got super cold again the next day. But there is hardly any snow which is a good thing.
We had a good week with our investigators and we were able to find two new investigators!! One of them is named Randy, and he actually lived in AZ for a few years so we were able to talk about that a little bit. I was able to soften him up a bit to reading the Book of Mormon and finally he said that he would read it so that was good!! Wednesday we tracted into a lady named Marlene athat was an older lady and she really enjoyed talking to us....the funny part about that lesson was that she farted super loud multiple times! and she was just like "mother nature is calling". That was super funny.
Mary is doing well!! She just has a thirst for learning that I have never seen before!! She just studies and studies and studies and has so many good questions for us it's so awesome to go over there and teach her!! We were able to teach Mark S. this week and Elder Welker was with me on exchange which was fun! We were able to teach mark about baptism and commit him to baptism he just didn't really understand the importance of the Priesthood and being baptized by proper authority...but we will keep working with him.
We got to hear President Obama's inaugural address while we were doing service... that was a pretty cool thing to get to hear. This week we went to dinner at the Morrison's and we had scrapple!! It's like a Penn dutch delicacy...all it is is pig scraps and corn meal put together. It was good but it gets old really fast. It was cool to have such a delicacy. We were able to see lots of deer right outside their house eating corn from their feeder which was cool.
Much love
Elder Black

1/19/09 letter

Hola Family!
I'm doing great here in my nice warm apartment! I am gettin sick of the cold! I want it to be warm again. I hope next winter the Lord wants me to serve down south where it's not as cold.
Transfers are still in two weeks, so we will see if I stay or it I go. All I know is that I'll go where the Lord wants me to go! It will be weird if I get transferred cuz I am so comfortable here. I miss being around other missionaries, cuz when you are here, you're always alone. I heard that the President just tells us to stay in during the Super Bowl cuz it's pointless to go out and work.
I hope this week is warmer! And I hope all is well at home!
Love you all!! Sweet is the work!!
Elder Black

1/12/09- letter

It really is hard to believe that it is 2009. Time is flying by for me that's for sure! I think the saying should be "The harder you work, the faster time goes". That has definitely been the case thus far on my mission. I fell that you have to try to be unhappy on your mission, because it is such a blessing to share the gospel and to see the happiness that it brings. The Spirit definitely does touch people's lives, and it continues to uplift me everyday!!
Elder Black

Monday, January 19, 2009


HOLY COW THE CARDS ARE IN THE SUPER BOWL !!! It definetly is a win-win situation for me cuz this definelty is Steelers country!! But I will continue to rep the AZ and go with the cards. Someone was talking about the Steelers after church yesterday and I was bold and said go Cardinals and he was like "well, I have just lost my faith in the missionaries". But he was kidding of course. Oh, and I got my burritos and they are soooooooooooo good!!
So we had a great week this week. It was by far the coldest and one of the strangest weeks of my mission. I have been out for 7 months- holy cow!! So we found 2 new investigators this week on back to back days, and they are both named Sandra. We were able to see Mary once on tuesday and then, friday, saturday, and sunday. She is progressing so much. Last night we watched "The Testaments" which is probably my favorite church movie and she loved it so much!! She was in tears after the movie ended cuz the Spirit was just so strong.
We were able to find Bob's new house (he moved and didn't let us know where but told us the general area) so we were walking downtown and I had the impression to go to a certain place, and I knocked on this house and it was his. So that was cool and he really likes the Book of Mormon!
So we were busy teaching this week!! The Lord definitely blessed us with teaching so that we could stay out of the cold! It was below 20 degrees this week and it got as low as -10, and as low as -4 while we were working.
Thursday was an interesting day cuz we got stuck in a huge line because of an accident, which made us an hour late for district meetings. Then that night I locked our keys in the house and we had to call the land lady so after freezing outside for an hour were able to get in. Then we helped the Brickleys unload a moving van, that took them 2 hours to get up snow packed driveway. So then once we got started I was already frozen in the 5 degree weather, but we got it done. Then they took us to a truck stop buffet which was interesting.
Sunday we found out that Bro. Wick proposed to Misty!! I was shocked! I called that so long before they even met!! I guess you can call me cupid, or just thank the restored gospel for bringing them together.
Keep working hard in all you do because I sure will!!!
Much love to you all
Elder Black

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Hey everyone! I'm doing well!! Just staying warm and still working my hardest!! This week was a bit slower than weeks past...we were only able to see one of our current investigators, between sickness and family issues. But, everything is going better for everyone now so we will be back in action with them this week.
I'll just briefly go through my week so you can get an idea of some stuff we did...
Monday- we went to State College and played some basketball!! So fun!! I was so happy to get to run for the first time since I have been here. After that Elder Saunders and I came back here on exchange...
Tuesday-we volunteered at the food bank then we went to the Allens for dinner and a lesson. After dinner I was holding their naked ferret and I scared Elder Sandberg cuz I put the ferrets nose in his ear. It was super funny
wednesday- We had district meeting and learned about Chapter 9 in Preach my gospel!! Then that night we went and visited a bunch of members with Brother Wick and Brother Morrison.
Thursday- I can't remember anything we did on except for service.
Friday-We tracted alot and we saw 2 former investigators named Mark and Jean and taught them again, so now they are investigators again!! So happy about that!!
Saturday- it snowed alllllllllllllllllllllll day!! So that meant that we had to walk everywhere!! So we just walked about 6 miles in the snow and street contacted for the most part! Good thing you sent me those snow boots mom. My legs were super sore the next day!
Sunday- We went to church and then after church we went and tracted for the rest of the day..the bad thing about that is that the Steelers were no one would talk to us. Even 2 of the members wouldn't let us in cuz the Steelers were playing! man it was frustrating!
I love you guys lots and know that I am still working hard and staying focused as I can on the Lords work! And how sweet that work is!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Here is Elder Blacks address

Elder Kyle Black
PA Harrisburg Mission
3903 Hartzdale Dr Ste 303
Camp Hill, PA 17011


Hey errbody!! Everything in Clearfield is going really well!! Elder Howell and I had a very good week and we are still working hard and not having to work too hard at staying warm. It's been in the high 30s for a while now..pretty mild for Clearfield, and it hasn't snowed in like 2 weeks. I know you all probably think I'm crazy, but when you live in it you just get used to it a little bit.
Today we get to go to State College to play basketball. I am so excited. This is the first time I have really got to run in 3 months. So hopefully I'm not too out of shape.
We had a good week as far as working with our investigators, and we were able to find a new investigator on New Years Day. She was a nice lady, but she has alot of changes to make if she joins the church, but hey, that's what the gospel is for, changing lives!! We saw Mary 3 times with the Morrisons and had really good lessons with her all three times. We watched some conference talks with her last night and she really loves those! She thought I short changed her by only watching 2 talks, but when she found out that there are 10 hours worth of talks on there she changed her mind. Then she fed us this reeses cake and ice cream. I love Mr. Reese he is a genious.
Of course, we saw the Allens some more and had dinner with them a few times, thursday they made us chicken and waffles!! It was good- good old Penn-dutch food.
Thanks for all your love and support everybody!! Hopefully I can hear from some of the people in the fam that I haven't heard from yet.
I hope you all have a great week and keep doin good things!!! I love you all!
Elder Black