Friday, March 6, 2009

2/23/09 email

This is what happened this week!!
Monday- we went to Susquehanna and had p-day over there and then we drove back and worked here for the night with Elder Alley and Elder Mills.
Tue- they took our truck to Harrisburg, so we were on foot all day which was good exercise!! So we did some tracting in the morning and the early afternoon. Then we saw some of the Birchard family and we mainly taught Ty and taught him the Restoration and he loved it!! He was soaking it all in!! Then Bro. Janda came and picked us up and we had dinner with him and his wife. They have a map of all the places they have traveled and it was so cool!! they have been all over the world even Antarctica!! Then after dinner we got to do a little star gazing with Bro. Janda cuz he is really into that and he showed us some constellations and stuff so that was cool.
Wed- we saw the Oliver family, they are a part member family, and Chris is investigating and we had a really good lesson and he wants to get baptized. We saw the Gregory family that night and taught Chris one last time before his baptism and had a good lesson. Then we had dinner with the family and Sister Gregory cooked tacos!! It snowed a few inches today.
Thur- We drove down to Springville and did some tracting in the afternoon. We went to the Harringtons and we were supposed to have dinner with them and the Matthews, but the Matthews furnace caught on fire so they had to take care of that. So we had dinner with the Harringtons, he is our Branch President and is a nice guy! Then we went and saw the Matthews and saw how they were doing. Their house was all black from soot cuz they tried to vacuum it up but there was no filter in the vacuum so it went all over. Their white dog is now black!! It was really funny- but then we had a great lesson with them.
Friday- we had our district meeting, and Elder Alley put me in charge of this meeting!! So I thought I did really well and it was good practice. Then I went on exchange with Elder Alley in Susquehanna and we had a lot of fun.
Sat- The Susquehanna Elders go to the guym and work out with this investigator every saturday morning!! So I got to go to the gym and work out for an hour!! Then we drove to Montrose for Chris Gregory's baptism which was really good. An Elder named Elder Peck who served here a few years ago came back and baptized him. We played basketball with him this morning and he is cooking us mexican food tonight at the Gregory's. After the baptism the Gregorys invited us over for pizza and then we had a lesson with Irish.
Sun- Irish came to church!!! One of the primary teachers named Sister Rucker brought me this robe to church and asked me to be King Benjamin and teach her primary class about him cuz they were learning about Prophets, so I got to dress up and it was fun.
I hope you all have a great week and stay safe!!
Elder Black

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